Here is my little Malawian friend, James. While I didn't meet sweet little James until about half way through the summer, it really was love at first sight. At first a shy, timid little guy, he slowly warmed to me, becoming more personable (as much as one can with someone who knows very little of their language). He wore the same clothes every day, ones that had been passed down to him from his older siblings. There was a button or two missing, they completely swallowed is thin little body, and his shirt was so worn through in places that it was transparent, but that was the happiest little boy. I never once saw him wear shoes, but that didn't stop his quick little feet from displaying amazing moves with a soccer ball anytime he got the chance. His little laugh is a sound that I will forever remember. I think of James often. It doesn't hurt that I have several pictures of him around my apartment. His mother died of aids not long after he was born, so he and his 8 siblings moved in with his grandmother, who already was caring for her other grandchildren. It was clear that he was very close with his siblings, especially his sister Macy. Those two were inseparable. Despite his very unfortunate circumstances, James makes me smile. It is amazing the energy and positive spirit a child, who some would say has the world against him, can possess. What an inspiration!
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