Tuesday, July 8, 2008


OK, so the title of this blog is appropriate for two completely different subjects. Do you want the funny or the sad?

We'll start with the sad. And I think I am going to be the only one truly sad and devastated by this. I have found out, the hard way, that I am allergic to nuts. I am so distraught I cannot begin to tell you. It started with pecans and walnuts, two of my favorites. I noticed that my tongue got itchy when I ate them, and then one day my throat started hurting. Two benadryl under my tongue and I was ok. I love nuts. Pecans, walnuts, pistachios, almonds... even boring peanuts can be quite tasty. I love natural peanut butter, my mom's pralines, OMG I hadn't even thought about Reeses miniature peanut butter cups. Oh no! Those are like the most perfect chocolate to peanut butter ratio ever. I am just becoming more and more upset. Trail mix=amazing. Gone. Off the list. All those childhood memories of frozen yogurt at TCBY with the walnut topping. No more. So sad. So, so sad.

On an entertaining, quite funny note, I must tell you about the day I had yesterday. As all of you know, I am currently trying to find a job. Not THE job, but I am not taking one that I dread going to work everyday. Well, while waiting on interviews and all that stuff, I decided I would go to a temp agency and find something to do in the mean time. (As lame as it sounds, I am not cut out to sit by the pool and read all day. I feel like I am a drain to society.) So I looked online and found a national temp agency that was not far from my apartment. I call, make an appointment for 2pm, and fill out information online (supposedly a time saver). Going into this, I know that as far as temp jobs, I am looking for office clerical work, and I'm ok with that for a week or two. Well, I googlemap the place, and off I go. To begin with, it is in a strip mall. Fine. No big deal. I walk in and this is the scene: two guys sitting to the right look like they have come to audition for the next 50 cent video (one has no shirt on, the other has on a wife beater, both with unlaced bright white Air Jordans), a woman trying fill out paper work with 3 children under that age of probably 4, a large woman without any shoes on, and probably 4 of 5 other people. The receptionist, a rather large girl, maybe a little older than myself, was wearing clothes 2 sizes 2 small (more of her derrière is showing than covered), along with a nice 4 inch pair of velvet black stilettos. She is chewing gum, texting on her cellphone, and as I am discussing my situation with her, she answers the ringing phone. Did I mention that the worn down carpet is a chewed gum landmine?? I am telling you, I was sitting there in my banana republic pencil skirt and black sweater wondering what the hell I was doing. It seriously was hell to me. All of that unprofessional-ism really made me feel as if I was sitting in a room with one hundred fingernails going down a chalkboard. It looked like a SNL skit. Seriously. My initial thought was, "get me out of here." But then, I had a little talking to myself and I decided that since I literally had absolutely nothing else to do with my time (I was already there, clean, and dressed), I would stay (especially since it didn't smell--if it had smelled, it would have been game over). And I did. I sat there for an hour and fifteen minutes listening to children whine, the 50 cent crew making crude comments about everyone, and the despicable sound of that girl smacking her gum. I decided this would not only be motivation to get a job, save money, and make sure I never ended up back there, but also a character building experience. It turns out, as luck would have it, I ended up meeting with a district manager who was just visiting the office for a day. She complimented me on having a resume, having it typed, and on thick paper. She made it pretty clear they probably were not going to be able to help me, but that she had been in PR for sometime prior to taking this new job and knew a lot of people in the area who could possibly use my talents in a full time real job. I am not holding my breath, but I really did like her, and that is saying a lot because if I was ever going to be judgmental, that was going to be the time. (How funny would it be if I found a fantastic job out of this??) I came home and drank a double pineapple upside down cake martini immediately, and then headed off to pilates. =)

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